Two Eye Map

This particular mapping diagrams a reoccurring day/night dream.  It also acts as a visual reference setting intentions towards curse reverse.  Our thoughts emulate the scratched record. A reality delay overtakes ones perceptions and blinds the seer.  Such dreamlike mantras are embedded within the psychic structure of the seer through the works of a dream walker. The seer must acknowledge, accept, and reflect back these embedded intentions in order to free themselves from the imposed psychic drain.

The WHyTe WiNDoW Manifesto (the short version)

The WHyTe WiNDoW Manifesto:

Rules of Engagement:
  1. WHyTe WiNDoW is an army.
  2. WHyTe WiNDoW does not promote, provoke, or take part in actual violence.
  3. WHyTe WiNDoW only reflects the violence of personal ego and cultural demise.
  4. WHyTe WiNDoW does not proliferate or endorse text/media/rhetoric that promotes hate speech or physical/mental/sexual abuse of any kind.
  5. WHyTe WiNDoW is art.
Soldier Guidelines:
  1. All WHyTe WiNDoW Soldiers must adhere to the five rules of engagement.
  2. All WHyTe WiNDoW Soldiers must conform to a top down control structure.  BLaCK BuRKa is at the top of this control structure.  If any WHyTe WiNDoW Soldier changes access codes to any account registered for the use of the WHyTe WiNDoW Army, Then those new access codes MUST be immediately forwarded/submitted to BLaCK BuRKa.

The WHyTe WiNDoW Story - Episode #1

The very first WHyTe WiNDoW
The very first Whyte Window; ten years old and sentenced to one month's hard labour in Wandsworth Prison 1872 for stealing two white rabbits.