"Self Reverence Never Works Without Leaving Scars"

image by: Robert David Reedy 2011
This is my self portrait entitled “Self Reverence Never Works Without Leaving Scars”.  I decided to create a collage from various images that I have collected.  Typically this is the manner in which I prefer to work, for my aesthetics are  firmly rooted in the ideals of remix culture.  Giving some insight into the individual images that I have chosen to remix for this collage is difficult, though describing the entire image as a whole offers me greater availability with words.  The experience of life is about discovery and deterioration.  My body is actively moving towards it’s demise, whilst my spirit is constantly grasping for elevated reason toward mystical understanding.  This is all opposed by my selfish ego as it attempts to elicit sympathy both internally and externally.  Many mystical practices speak of a union of three – mind/ego, body, and spirit.  Here I have visually remixed similar philosophic tendencies.

Defining New Media Art

+this is/not art+

Mark Tribe's "Defining New Media Art" is a compelling read.  Of course many might argue that statement, but I am continually being pulled towards the New Media Arts aesthetic.  I personally feel that the old models of art making and propagation have become passé and redundant.  The art world as we know it  is collapsing under it's own self imposed importance.  From my naive perspective, it is the New Media artists that have pulled out the foundations of the stagnant and stale art world- paving inlets to new possibilities of human expression.

Artists have always led the vanguard of change.  This current digital upheaval is no different than the cultural revolutions of the past.  Of course the elements of change have evolved, but it is still the wide eyed artists at play that spur the tide forward.  Tribe's introduction to New Media Arts gives historical reference to this current movement and offers a "Who's Who" list of the dominant players.
Check out the videos and links below to further your understanding of this current cultural movement.

This Started It All...

This STARTED it all. Eye randomly bumped into this media genius by way of a blog entitled  all we ever wanted (was everything). The star of this vid goes by x0verb0rgx- on his YouTube profile page he lists himself as Nathaniel.  Whatever or whoever this fallen star is-BLaCK MiRRoR LOVES him. We here at the BLaCK MiRRoR studios have become obsessed with this artist's video content. His YouTube channel is blown up with 19,284 channel views and 220,418 total uploaded views.  This kid is on it...LITERALLY; and we can't get enough.
subscribe to x0verb0rgx's channel  
+more of x0verb0rgx's videos below+

Brainstorming Infestructure, Navagation, and Content Direction;

image by: RDR 2010
THiS iS HoW We Do iT...working the base elements. 
BLaCK MiRRoR is attempting to demonstrate experimentally on the material plane the validity of a philosophical view of the Cosmos.


BLaCK MiRRoR Nuerons

BLaCK MiRRoR nuerons in your skull. 
Soft wired to belong.  (FIND YOUR REFLECTION)
via Wikipedia: A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Such neurons have been directly observed in primate and other species including birds. In humans, brain activity consistent with that of mirror neurons has been found in the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory cortex and the inferior parietal cortex.