This Started It All...

This STARTED it all. Eye randomly bumped into this media genius by way of a blog entitled  all we ever wanted (was everything). The star of this vid goes by x0verb0rgx- on his YouTube profile page he lists himself as Nathaniel.  Whatever or whoever this fallen star is-BLaCK MiRRoR LOVES him. We here at the BLaCK MiRRoR studios have become obsessed with this artist's video content. His YouTube channel is blown up with 19,284 channel views and 220,418 total uploaded views.  This kid is on it...LITERALLY; and we can't get enough.
subscribe to x0verb0rgx's channel  
+more of x0verb0rgx's videos below+


  1. Please PLEASE email me if you saved any of his videos. They were CLASSICS....but he deleted them

    1. You can find his YouTube Channel here:

      There are still a few videos at the above link. Rumors about x0verb0rgx leaving this mortal coil, but IDK, I don't think anyone will ever know.

  2. Please PLEASE email me if you saved any of his videos. They were CLASSICS....but he deleted them
